Residency Policy

Tuition and fees at Northampton Community College are based on a student's permanent place of residence.

Students who have a permanent place of residence and meet all of the requirements as defined in the Northampton County or Monroe County Residency Policies are eligible to receive the applicable residency tuition and fee rate.

As per NCC's residency policy, the college reserves the right to request residency documentation in order to determine a student's residency status. Changes in a student's residency which occur after a student is accepted to NCC are processed by the Registrar's Office.


To receive the appropriate Northampton or Monroe County tuition rate, a student 21 years or older must meet all of the following requirements:

To receive the appropriate Northampton or Monroe County tuition rate, a student 21 years or older must meet all of the following requirements:
1. Be a US citizen, permanent resident, or refugee.
2. Maintain a legal residence* in one of the Northampton or Monroe County school districts** for at least 90 consecutive days prior to the start of the semester for which they are registering.

*A student’s permanent place of residence is one they have moved into for reasons other than attending college. For purposes of this policy, students who moved to live with Northampton or Monroe County relatives or friends do not qualify as residents.

**Northampton County School Districts:
Bangor, Bethlehem, Easton, Nazareth, Northampton, Pen Argyl, Saucon Valley, Wilson

**Monroe County School Districts:
East Stroudsburg, Pleasant Valley, Pocono Mountain, Stroudsburg

3. Provide a minimum of two of the following proofs of residence including both the student’s
name and address, each dated 90 days prior to the start of the semester:

-PA Driver’s License or PA Identification Card which lists student’s current address

-Signed lease indicating student’s name as part of the lease

-Utility bill in the name of the student (only one utility bill may be presented for review)

-Official county, state, or federal document listing student’s name

-Vehicle registration or car insurance in the name of the student

-Employment verification on employer’s letterhead which includes student’s current address

-Per capita tax receipt

-Medical insurance statement listing the name of the student

-Official mail (i.e.: bank statement)

-Deed (home ownership exempts the 90-day rule)

Housing insecure students should contact the Office of Records and Registration for further assistance.

Students under the age of 21 retain the residency of their parent(s) or legal guardian. To receive the appropriate Northampton or Monroe County tuition rate, the following requirements must be met:

1. Please reference numbers 1-3 above.
2. When documents are listed in the name of the parent(s), documentation must be provided which correlates the student to the parent(s) (i.e.: birth certificate, tax form, or likewise).

Students under the age of 21 who are not living with their parent(s) or a legal guardian and who consider themselves as independent, must meet at least one of the below criteria. Should independent status criteria not be met, residency will be considered as that of the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian.

1. Active Duty in US Armed Forces or Veteran
2. Married
3. Orphan or Ward of the Court
4. Legal dependents for which 50% of the support is provided by the student
5. Foster care through the age of 18
6. Permanent, full-time, benefits eligible employment which includes payment of earned local income tax

Important Notes:

1. A student must document their residency before the first day of the semester to be considered for the Northampton or Monroe County tuition rate.
2. Students who qualify for residency after the beginning of the semester will be approved for the next standard start semester (Fall, Spring, Summer).
3. The College will not make retroactive changes to residency status for tuition purposes.
4. A change in address does not equate to a change in residency. Residency guidelines must be met for a residency change to be considered.
5. Students residing in on campus residence facilities may not use the college as their permanent address for the purpose of establishing residency and should refer to the above requirements.
6. Military affiliated students should work with the Office of Adult & Military Affiliated Student Services for proper residency coding.
7. Students in the United States on a visa, other than a B, F, or J visa, may request consideration for a residency adjustment and will be required to submit additional documentation pertaining to their current visa status. Individuals should contact the Office of Records and Registration to discuss potential eligibility.
8. Ownership of property or a business in Northampton or Monroe Counties while not residing in that county, does not qualify for in-county residency.
9. The College reserves the right to request additional documentation when appropriate. Until this additional documentation is received, student tuition will be assessed at the current Other PA County or Out of State/Country residency rate.
10. Residency documents are reviewed by staff according to the approved residency policy. A residency committee may assist in the decision and appeals of a decision will be reviewed by the Associate Vice President of Enrollment.
11. Falsification of records or documents will result in immediate tuition rate adjustment and could result in disciplinary action. 

Veteran and Military Personnel

As required by PA Act 11 of 2015, Veterans and Military Personnel, their spouses, and/or dependent children, may be eligible for reduced tuition rates as outlined below.   

1. Veterans, their spouses, and/or dependent children, who reside in the Commonwealth of PA will be granted a tuition rate equivalent to the local sponsorship rate. For purposes of this policy, a veteran student is defined as an individual who: (a) Served in the United States Armed Forces, including a reserve component and National Guard, and was discharged/released from service under conditions other than dishonorable; or one who is an active-duty service member; and (b) Resides in Pennsylvania while enrolled at Northampton Community College.  

2. Active military personnel, their spouses, and/or dependent children, who are enrolled in online (distance) classes, and who reside outside of the Commonwealth, will be granted a tuition rate equivalent to the Commonwealth of PA rate.  

3. Any individual who receives VA education benefits under chapters 1606, 1607, 30, 31, and 33, and who resides outside of the Commonwealth, will be granted a tuition rate equivalent to the Commonwealth of PA rate.   

4. Civilian personnel who work at a Department of Defense facility in the Commonwealth of PA, their spouses, and/or dependent children, will be granted a tuition rate equivalent to the local sponsorship rate.

Those who qualify for reduced rates, as outlined above, are exempt from the 90-day residency waiting period but must provide both proof of service and proof of residency before the start of the semester for which reduced rates are to be granted.

Proof of service must be documented with a DD214, current military ID, and/or VA Certificate of Eligibility.

Proof of residency, showing the local/PA address, can be documented with any of the following: PA Driver’s License/PA Dept. of Transportation ID card, per capita (school district) tax receipt, local EIT or Pennsylvania tax return, lease, utility bill, deed, bank statement, pay stub, credit card bill, or phone bill.

Important note: Students who qualify for residency after the beginning of a semester will be granted the appropriate tuition rates for the following semester. The college will not make retroactive changes to residency status.