Funeral Service Education

(Preferred deadline March 15)

Acceptance into the Funeral Service Education program is competitive and you will need to meet certain prerequisites to be considered for admission.

These admission criteria include:

Before Admission

  • High school graduates and non-traditional student applicants: will need to have completed high school Biology and Chemistry (with labs) with a grade of C or better AND have an overall high school G.P.A. of 2.5 or better.
  • Transfer student applicants: Grades of C or better in each course being transferred in; achieved minimum G.P.A. of 2.5 for any college-level work completed.

After Admission

  • Complete Student Trainee License Application and pay $25 fee
  • Complete TIMMS application and send official transcripts to Department of Education

Funeral Service Education core courses (courses with the prefix FUNS) may only be taken by those students who have completed the 60 hours of general education requirement. See prerequisites for grade requirements.