CMTH275 Media Production Internship

Work experience in a radio or television station, with media production companies or media divisions of business and industry. Restricted to Media Production (formerly Radio/TV), Theatre and Journalism students. Prereq. - CMTH 120, 170 and at least one course from the list of Media Electives.


3 credits


(D in CMTH120 and D in CMTH170 and D in CMTH180) or (D in CMTH120 and D in CMTH170 and D in CMTH182) or (D in CMTH120 and D in CMTH170 and D in CMTH245) or (D in CMTH120 and D in CMTH170 and D in CMTH252) or (D in CMTH120 and D in CMTH170 and D in CMTH251) or (D in CMTH120 and D in CMTH170 and D in CMTH246)